Odyssey (Greek Text of Murray)
ἀργιόδοντος ὑός, θαλερὴ δʼ ἦν ἀμφὶς ἀλοιφή·
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Number in parentheses is frequency per 10k in this work.
ἀλοιφήanything used for anointing, hog's-lard, grease, unguent(0.52)
ἀμφίςon both sides; apart, asunder(1.45)
ἀργιόδουςwhite-toothed, white-tusked(0.73)
εἰμίto be(109.78)
θαλερόςblooming, fresh(1.66)
ὗςwild swine(5.81)