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In GoogleBooks go to page 206 to: Fragmenta, Liber Sextus Ab Eversione Corinthii ad Caesarem Augustum (146-27 a.C.)
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In GoogleBooks go to page 206 to: Fragmenta, Liber Sextus Ab Eversione Corinthii ad Caesarem Augustum (146-27 a.C.)
1 of 1 translations. To select a specific translation, see below.
- URN:
- urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0697.tlg001
- Work title:
- Fragmenta
- Abbr title:
- FHG iii p. 206.
- Textgroup:
- tlg0697
- Author:
- Alexander Polyhistor approximately 105 B.C.-approximately 35 B.C